Français Thursday, March 27, 2025 Contact

(Instant Steel Shapes) is an AutoCAD application that quickly and accurately draws structural steel shapes found in AISC, CISC, Australian, European, British and Yamato tables.

The program is quick and easy to use. It features the listing of the various shapes within a dialogue box, multiple insertion points on shape, layer and color control, hatching, and more. The shape can be drawn in Section, Plan, Elevation, and in 3D. The drawn shape can also be mirrored and rotated while dragging on screen prior to it insertion. Steel shapes can be edited, or added to the data file. Please download program files for detailed information.

The program will run in TRIAL MODE for a limited number of runs until it is registered. It is fully functional until the trial period elapses.

This program is currently available for AutoCAD Versions 2010 through 2024 in English or French.

is an AutoCAD application that allows you to quickly draw a variety of standard welding symbols together with multiple leaders, full annotation, finish contours and field weld pennant symbols, etc. To use the program properly you must be familiar with the correct use of welding symbols, and what the symbol means.

The program will run in TRIAL MODE for a limited number of runs until it is registered. It is fully functional until the trial period elapses.

This program is currently available for AutoCAD Versions 2010 through 2024 in English only.